Monday, May 24, 2010


All my life, but most especially over this last year, I have been amazed to discover what incredibly wonderful parents God has blessed me with. Some very dear friends of mine, who appear to be members of perfectly "normal" conservative Christian families, battle every day with trauma and scars from their upbringing. And I'm not talking about children of "broken homes". I'm talking about families who truly and earnestly seek to follow God's direction in raising their children.

How much damage can be caused by a slight calibration error in a projectile weapon? What if the calibration is application of Scripture to life, and that projectile weapon is the well-being of your son or daughter? I hurt for the agony of my friends. I grieve for the despair of the parents who look on as things begin to crumble and wonder what they did wrong when all they ever sought was God's will in their families. My heart breaks for them ... but it bleeds for those sons and daughters whose lives will be scarred by this unintentional torture lovingly administered by their own parents.

Recently a friend pointed me to the Quivering Daughters blog (look through their FAQ to get a general idea of the blog's aim). It is in some ways relieving and in other ways more painful to realize that these few lives I've touched personally are not alone in their sorrow. It's staggering — grievous — depressing! — to see how widely these ideas and practices reach, and how thoroughly devastating misguided love can be. O Lord, the things done in Your name! — and by people whose motives are pure!

I'm glad God knows what He's doing with our lives, because this confusion leaves me reeling.

By the way, please don't ask me to whom this article might refer. I have some specific people in mind, but the truths here are general. If you think they might apply to you, they might. If they don't, they don't. My intent is not to point fingers, but to raise awareness of these situations and of this wonderful resource — and perhaps to raise a few eyebrows as well.